Revolutionize your Original Equipment Manufacturer Operations

Empower your automotive and manufacturing enterprise with our cutting-edge Centralized Dealer Management System (DMS). Designed specifically for OEMs, our comprehensive platform offers seamless integration, streamlined processes, and unparalleled efficiency across your dealership network.

Why Centralized Dealer Management System

Lead Management System

Capture, track, and nurture leads efficiently to drive sales.

Primary Sales

Manage primary sales processes seamlessly for improved performance.

Secondary Sales

Streamline secondary sales operations to maximize revenue potential.

Lead Management System
Warranty Management System

Warranty Management System

Simplify warranty tracking and management for enhanced customer satisfaction.


Optimize service scheduling and parts inventory for exceptional customer experiences.

Claims Management

Efficiently handle claims processes to ensure timely resolutions.

Inventory Management

Gain real-time visibility and control over vehicle, parts, and accessory inventory.

Third-Party Integrations

Seamlessly integrate with finance, accounting, and other systems for enhanced functionality.

Analytics and Reporting

Leverage powerful analytics tools to monitor KPIs and make data-driven decisions.

Inventory Management

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